Sunday, March 14, 2010

Gromit's responsibilities

I'm Gromit and I help Marilyn and John both at home and away. Here are some photos of me at work.

I helped knit socks for Marilyn's great-niece, Wren.

I shoveled snow MANY times this winter.

Here I am jumping into Marilyn's bag as she was getting ready to go to a conference. I stayed with her personal items while she gave a presentation.

I also help Marilyn when she grades the college students' assignments.

With my help on the taxes, John and Marilyn got a refund!

I help Marilyn charge and sync her iPod Touch. Sometimes I get to play games, check to see if Rover has sent me an e-mail, or listen to an audio book.

I helped John get this Kindle for Marilyn just before Valentine's Day. When she is at work, I get to read it! We both just finished a book about the Camino de Santiago de Compostella. Hmm. I wonder if she wants to go there... if she does, she'd better take me!

While in Florida I supervised John and his dad while they did some plumbing work.

I even help Marilyn buy cards for John. These were for Valentine's Day.

As you can see, I am quite busy!

Sad roses, but springs forth!

The rose bushes have been buried under drifts all winter. I've been worried about them as the few canes that were visible stuck out at odd angles. The snow is starting to recede after a week of above freezing temperatures and five days of rain and those worries were justified. Almost every cane in bent or broken. When the ground drains a bit, I will have to do some major trimming. I hope they can bounce back.
The tea roses have suffered the most!

Even the more robust floribunda roses (I think that's what they are...) are suffering!

I didn't even see these little green shoots until after photographing the nearby roses. Daffodils are in the background with surprise lilies (AKA magic lilies or naked ladies) in the foreground.
Spring will come!